Teaching Educating Linguistically Diverse Students

I Am From Poem
Apache School Practicum
Weekly Scribe
Chapter Highlights/Vocabulary
Sign Language
Oral History Family Story
Book Talks
Midterm Reflection
Final Reflection
Story Telling Festival
Ethnographic Case Study
Weekly Scribe


Feather Fountain Pen

This week we had the pleasure of hearing about Frances’ fantastic trip to Alexandria, Virginia, and her extended paid vacation to Disney World.  We had the opportunity to look at some of her pictures, and to discuss how Disney World is culturally diverse. 

Frances talked about professional development schools and how they relate to us as future teachers.  UNM is trying to collaborate with as many local schools as possible on student teaching to make the experience beneficial for all involved.

We had a debriefing session about the time we spent with our kids at Apache.  A lot of us agreed that it was sometimes very difficult trying to get them started.  Frances told us to just keep asking questions, and eventually they will let everything come out.  We also talked about peer conferencing, and she asked us to bring copies of our own stories so we could peer conference as a class.  She also asked us to think about some sort of special recognition that we could give our kids.  Fredrick came up with the idea of having a cotton candy machine at the Author’s Chair event. 

Frances gave a hand out at the end of class about Teaching English-Language Learners: What Does the Research Say?


Miranda Armenta