Teaching Educating Linguistically Diverse Students

I Am From Poem
Apache School Practicum
Weekly Scribe
Chapter Highlights/Vocabulary
Sign Language
Oral History Family Story
Book Talks
Midterm Reflection
Final Reflection
Story Telling Festival
Ethnographic Case Study

Ethnographic Case Study

Getting to know Kobe Dobbs....



The information for this case study has come from four sources including myself. K.D. is a 10 year old boy in fourth grade in at Apache Elementary. He was held back last year so this is his second time in fourth grade. He has two brothers ages 12 and 7 so he is the middle child. His mom works at Defined Fitness and his dad works at Halliburton. Before he lived in Farmington, he lived in Durango, Colorado. K.D.'s


K.D. says that he likes school especially P.E and Art. He doesn't love to read, but he would read anything by R.L. Stine. When he grows up he wants to be a cop so he can help people. When he gets home from school he loves to ride his bike, watch a movie, play X-Box, and help his mom. All of the boys have chores. K.D. has to take out the trash and clean his room. His brothers have to do the laundry and feed and water the dogs. His family has three dogs. 1 Chihuahua named Hannah and 2 Lopso Apsos named Lilo and Stitch. Some of the things K.D. likes to do is to run (real fast), wrestle, and go the park and play football. His favorite movie is Talladega Nights. His favorite food is pepperoni pizza. His favorite color is red, and his favorite holiday is Thanksgiving because of the turkey and football.


K.D.'s mom describes him as unique, kindhearted, and loving. She also says he is mischievous, rough, and 100% boy. He tells his parents he loves them everyday but he won't kiss them.

He first started talking when he was 11 months old. His first word was Dada, and he was real chatty when he first started. Kobe only speaks English. She feels that K.D. learns best with one-on-one attention. He is a visual learner and does real well with hands-on activities. She says that he would rather watch TV instead of reading. He doesn't take school seriously. His mom says that him being held back was probably a good thing because he has taken this school year a little more serious than previous years.

She says that K.D. is very giving. Every year around Christmas this family goes through their toys and gives the one's they don't need to Child haven. He really enjoys this. He also gives his classmates money when they need money for things like lunch.

K.D.'s mom really wants him to succeed in school, but she is happy with him to do his best even if it is not straight A's. She feels that she can do her job to ensure his success in school is to make sure he is there on time and everyday. She also wants to make sure that he doesn't take things too serious because she believes that life is too short and many things are not a big deal.

She said that his favorite subject is reading and writing especially if it is one-on-one. His favorite food is hamburgers and chicken nuggets.


K.D.'s teacher finds him very lovable and inquisitive. She said that he goes to school everyday for the most part.

His favorite subjects and the one's he is strongest in is science and math. His weakest subject is handwriting. He is very sloppy, doesn't use punctuation, and writes in all capital letters. When he reads, he is very easily distracted and doesn't really like to read independently. He loves someone to read to him. He is very observing which contributes to him being distracted. She said that Kobe is a visual learner first, a kinesthetic learner second, and an auditory learner third. He wants to be a racecar driver when he grows up.

He doesn't talk about his home life too much at school. His home life seems to be very busy and hectic. He seems to be real happy and has lots of home support.


It is very important for teachers to get to know their students on a personal level. This experience has given me the tools and knowledge necessary when I become a teacher. I now know how to collect the data and interpret that data into information that will be useful to me as a teacher. I also now have the ability to relate to kids on more than just as a teacher. I feel that I can reach my students on another level. I am now better informed on how to deal with parents. It is very important for the students that the parents and teacher know how to effectively communicate so they can help the students. As a teacher, I have been very fortunate to have had this experience.

Phase III


I have had the distinct pleasure of getting to know K.D. not only as a student but as a kid. I agree with everything that was said he is very lovable and inquisitive. I also feel that he is very bright and independent. He is a delightful little 10 year old boy. Not only did I get to know him through this case study but also by working with him on his family story. This experience is one I will never forget and has helped me immensely in my future career as a teacher. There is more to students than what teachers see at school, and everyone sees the child differently. There were three different answers when I asked what K.D.'s favorite subject in school was so this proves that he acts different in different areas of his life. I have learned that by getting to know a student you can help them even more. It is important to not only know the students but their parents as well.

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Miranda Armenta